On January 28, OFF will have its first Member Meeting of the new year. Join us as we kick off our 50th Year with this online meeting. Join the Ozark Fly Fishers Thursday night for "Stories from the Stream." Steve will share lessons and analogies from the stream and the literature of fly fishing that guide purposeful living and working and help us create the life story we really want.
Steve Ehrlich has a lifetime calling in all things fly fishing. He is an educator with 35 years of teaching and leadership experience in adult learning and continuing education, and an equally long passion for teaching the literature of fly fishing. Recently retired from Washington University, Steve is fishing and hiking more, and writing and teaching about lessons from the stream that guide life’s journey.
Come Zoom with Ozark Fly Fishers. OFF will offer online, visual programming for members. The programs will be available to all members that have a computer or smartphone.
On the morning of the meeting, each OFF member will be emailed a link and password for the evening program. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM, but members will be able to join the Zoom meeting room as early as 6:45 PM.
Reminder: Using Zoom
Click the Link to Watch this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKQq96TiGpg
Join by computer
· Have a headphones available if possible to minimize feedback – your cellphone earbuds will work well.
· Click the Zoom link that’s been sent to you in an email, and Zoom should automatically and quickly download to your computer.
· In Downloads on your computer, click Zoom_launcher.exe. Zoom should direct you to this with a large orange flag.
· Once Zoom has launched, a screen should pop up asking for your name. This will identify you during the meeting.
· You should now be part of the meeting. Click the green button that says “Join Audio By Computer”.
Join by tablet or smartphone
· If you choose to use your tablet or smartphone, be sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time.
· Once you have downloaded the Zoom app, follow the “Join by computer” instructions above.
Join by telephone
· First, dial the phone number provided in the Zoom email.
· When prompted, dial the meeting ID number that is also provided.
· Your phone will be automatically muted once the meeting starts. If you want to speak, press *6 to unmute.