Montauk State Park 345 County Road 6670 Salem MO 65560-9758
The motel rooms have two beds in each one with a microwave but no kitchen. This will work nicely for a couple of buddies to share the cost of a room. Since there is only six rooms with two beds the outing will still be small with say around 12 members participating. Definitely not crowding the spring branch. The management only keeps those six rooms winterized but has offered to open more up if the club needs the room due to more membership participation.
With just six rooms available, I suspect they will go fast.
Make your check out to:
Ozark Fly Fishers Inc.
$503.32 for three nights this includes tax
Mail your check to the club treasurer.
314-304-7043 636-256-7043
Dead line to get your room is the end of January. I will be canceling motel rooms not taken the first week of February.
As we get closer to the outing I will post more details.