Welcome to the Ozark Fly Fishers


Founded 1971
A Missouri 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation

Our BBQ at Tilles Park

We had 48 people with late arrival Bob Heine (He did eat).

Thanks for all the help on the picnic, I would call it a success.  We may want to hold it earlier in June next year to try to hit cooler weather more consistently.

Thanks,  Paul

Dave Haas and a nice fish at Montauk

Good picture of Dave Haas at Montauk, caught this one on a cicada.  He caught several in the lake as well.  Stag says he knows the spot.






July 19-21, 2024   Montauk State Park

This outing continues to take shape. Various presentations on numerous topics are planned for this event. This year our macroinvertebrate theme speaker will be Cadie Olson. Cadie is an Environmental Services Program staff member of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. She will present on the three worm phyla. Cadie is scheduled to present on the Friday evening of this event. In keeping with tradition, a fly-tying session will follow. Attendees are welcome to tie what they wish. With that said, we will have an instructor tying a worm pattern(s) in keeping with this year’s macroinvertebrate theme. Prior to the presentation, a finger food potluck is planned.

Saturday will provide numerous opportunities of involvement. On stream biological monitoring, fly casting instruction and a barbecue lunch will be provided. In the afternoon, Scott Darrough will demonstrate and present on cleaning / reconditioning fly-tying materials. Anyone who has hunted materials, insect infested, or simply dusty materials that have laid on the tying bench far too long, should find this presentation of interest. Tying with clean and conditioned materials certainly makes a difference.

Additional presenters have been scheduled on Saturday evening. Montauk State Park Naturalist Kristie Nelson will once again provide a program of interest,- yet to be determined. Kristie always provides a great program. 

We will have our traditional ice cream social on this evening.

Another presenter, Tara Schnelting is studying Fisheries and Wildlife Science at Arkansas Tech University. She is currently working on her master’s degree. Her thesis pertains to Research on assigning the importance of headwater streams in the South-Central plains of the United States. Her presentation will be of interest to anyone concerned about stream ecosystems.

Note that rooms have been reserved at the Montauk Lodge for OFF members. Contact the Montauk lodge if you are interested in a room during this event.

This outing will continue to take shape. If anyone should have concerns / questions, about this event, please feel free to contact Scott Darrough at: swdarrough@yahoo.com or 314-5560-1335.

Here is my report of upcoming events.

July 25: Chris Belmar, taxidermist – fish mounts and reproductions

July 27: Watershed Celebration Picnic

August 22: Jeff Trigg, redfish fishing

September 26: Michael Kidd will be at the meeting early at 6:15pm to tie the Wispy Fly.  During the meeting, he will present a program on Missouri Blue Ribbon trout streams

 October 24: Ed Heist, Missouri Trout Genetics

 Paul Jackson

  Watershed Celebration Picnic

July 27, 2024

10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Meramec State Park


Join with Missouri Stream Teams from around the state at the Hickory Ridge Conference Center and Overlook Pavilion at Meramec State Park for our Annual Watershed Picnic and Stream Team Appreciation Day.


This event is free and open to all Stream Team volunteers!

Please RSVP to help us estimate attendance.


Check out the fun activities of the day!

·         Lunch (provided generously by the Missouri Stream Team Program). You may bring a dessert to share. 

·         Kids games and crafts

·         Tubing on the river with complimentary shuttle

·         Fly-tying and fly-fishing instruction

·         Educational stations and Watershed Bingo

·         Learn how to make a bag out of your Stream Team t-shirt - no sewing involved!

·         Meet the Stream Team Program coordinators

·         Raffle - We'll have a kayak and lots of other fun prizes! Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5. Proceeds benefit the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition. 

Free camping available Friday the 26th and Saturday the 27th at Group Site A.

Again, from last year, we will have a cooling center to help keep us comfortable in the heat!

All OFF Members: your help is needed to represent our club at this event. Positions are available to educate on macroinvertebrates / stream ecology, fly casting demonstration, fly tying and tying flies on safety pins for distribution to attending children. Let’s get these kids interested in the natural world!

Ozark members Marty and Julie King were long time attendees of this celebration. It would be great to enhance the presence of the Ozark Fly Fishers at this event. It is a great opportunity to revel in all things stream related and a great opportunity to bring attention to our beautiful streams. It is also close to home - the St. Louis area. Please consider attending even if you do not wish to participate as a volunteer! Anyone that has a banner for their Missouri Stream Team are strongly encouraged to bring it for display. The Ozark Fly Fishers banner will be displayed as usual for all to see. Be proud of your team’s effort and present your banner if you have one.

If you are interested in attending, have concerns or questions, please contact Scott Darrough at: swdarrough@yahoo.com or 314-560-1335.

WRFF Fly Fishing Expo - signup form